Pathway to Salvation
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 3:17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
To serve those in need in our community and beyond, through Christ-Centered teachings, Christ-Centered Community Outreach and Christ-Centered Service to all, reflecting Jesus’ commandment to love one another as He Loves us.
Triumphant Kingdom envisions to exemplify Christ-Centered and Christ like co
To serve those in need in our community and beyond, through Christ-Centered teachings, Christ-Centered Community Outreach and Christ-Centered Service to all, reflecting Jesus’ commandment to love one another as He Loves us.
Triumphant Kingdom envisions to exemplify Christ-Centered and Christ like conduct to address social, economic and moral issues and empower all ages to strive for excellence within their personal lives and communities; encourage and aid in the growth and development of communities through Christian counseling and services, both material and spiritual to the sick, the aged, the homeless and those in need, as the Lord directs.
To be a ministry serving those in need in community through life-enhancing programs and character development experiences; to offer mentoring, Christian discipleship, tutoring, life skill management classes, guidance counseling, food and clothing programs and other practical support; to create partnerships with private and co
To be a ministry serving those in need in community through life-enhancing programs and character development experiences; to offer mentoring, Christian discipleship, tutoring, life skill management classes, guidance counseling, food and clothing programs and other practical support; to create partnerships with private and corporate entities in support of these purposes; to create departments necessary to support all these activities and to also engage in activities which are necessary, suitable, or convenient for the accomplishment of that purpose.
To be a faith-based community organization serving our local community by engaging in a broad range of strategies that promote community health, education, and development; engage strategies that develop our youth educational and socially; design avenues that support homelessness among families and individuals: to teach and preach the gospel to all people, conduct evangelistic activities, license and ordain ministers of the gospel, provide religious, charitable and humanitarian services and to also engage in activities which are necessary, suitable or convenient for the accomplishment of that purpose.
The following Statement of Faith represents the core beliefs of Triumphant Kingdom from a biblical and historical perspective.
The following Statement of Faith represents the core beliefs of Triumphant Kingdom from a biblical and historical perspective.
At the center of Christian faith and practice stands the belief that God has spoken to the world in the person and work of Jesus Christ, which is accurately and authoritatively revealed in the Christian Bible (“the Bible,” “Scripture” or “the Scriptures”). The Bible is the inspired, inerrant and sufficient Word of God and is thus the ultimate authority for life, faith and morals.
It is the biblical position that marriage involves the union of one man and one woman in permanent sacred fidelity. Though various cultures and customs have evolving definitions of marriage, it is God alone who has ultimate authority to prescribe and describe the marital relationship (Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:1-9, Mark 10:1-12).
Furthermore, sexual intimacy is only properly exercised and pursued within the confines of this marital relationship. Sexual immorality, defined as any sexual activity outside of the boundaries of the sacred marital relationship between one man and one woman, is clearly and expressly prohibited by the Lord (Matthew 15:19, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, 1 Thessalonians 4:3, Hebrews 13:4).
Henceforth, Triumphant Kingdom regards any and all forms of sexual immorality, including adultery, fornication, homosexual behavior, bisexual conduct, bestiality, incest, pornography or even lustful intent toward such, as sinful.
Moreover, Since the body is a creation of God, Triumphant Kingdom also regards as sinful the intent or desire to surgically alter one’s biological sex to a different sex.
Triumphant Kingdom’s Statement on Marriage and Immorality is based upon God’s will for human life as conveyed to us through the Scriptures and shall not be subject to change through popular vote; referendum; prevailing opinion of the general public, influence, or interpretation by any government authority, agency, or official action; or legal developments on the local, state, or federal level.
.Triumphant Kingdom believes that Jesus Christ provides redemption and restoration to all who confess and forsake their sin, seeking mercy and forgiveness through Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Ephesians 2:1-10, Titus 3:3-7).
Through Christ Centered teachings, Triumphant Kingdom addresses social ills, economic and moral issues. Triumphant Kingdom strongly proclaims and promotes how the teachings of Christ can guide our local families and communities.
Nutritional Food Emphasis:
In consideration of the President’s 30 years in the Natural and Organic Food industry, Triumphant Kingdom endeavors to express healthy and nutritional food options to drive health and wellness in the community and beyond.
Triumphant Kingdom believes in unity and love for all nationalities regardless of race, creed or color. Acts 17:26 And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth,
Triumphant Kingdom strives to serve the various communities and those in need through various avenues. While we recognize that we will not reach everyone, we will strive to serve as the Lord God directs and provide for us
Triumphant Kingdom endeavors to reach our the youth of the various communities through a faith based approach. We believe that in spite of the outlook, our youth are the key to community success and livelihood.
Triumphant Kingdom endeavors to serve our elderly community through various avenues such as but not limited to: Check in visitations (where permissible), yard services and other services deemed necessary.
Statistically, the under development of Middle and High School students in under served communities in the areas of Math, Science and English are well noted. Triumphant Kingdom endeavors to bridge that gap by partnering with community organizations to unlock the potential and minds of the students in the areas of Advanced Science, Math and English.
Triumphant Kingdom believes that these three areas are part of the key to help build our local communities by instilling educational confidence in our youth preparing them for the next level of education and a brighter future.
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